Dilapidation reports are created to record any damage and aspects of a property that could be affected by construction. With Dilapp, engineers can document and create these reports swiftly on site.

my role

Product Designer, UX UI Designer

the opportunity

In mid 2019 a structural engineer friend approached me with an idea to streamline the way engineers generate dilapidation reports.

As dilapidation reports are a time consuming process needs to be undertaken by highly paid consultants, there is business efficiency in an app that could speed up this task.


the research

The first step was about understanding the processes that go into creating dilapidation reports. I created an experience map to flesh out the tasks undertaken and where the main pain points were.

The research showed that the bulk of the work was in the organisation of the information. Engineers would do multiple dilapidation reports in a day, each site visit requiring numerous photos, notes and measurements which were being recorded in three different formats (a camera, a notebook and on paper print outs).

The result was an inefficient workflow which required all these scattered bits of information to be manually traced and coordinated back into a report.


key findings


product features

The key strengths of the product were in consolidating the collection and storage of information and in being able to automatically synthesise this information into a report to be sent from the field. We designed the app with three primary objectives.

Firstly, the design would allow engineers to take photos, notes and measurements all within the app, which would eliminate the need to bring the other instruments to site, all that would be needed is the phone.

Secondly, the design would create a method to organise the information as it was being collected which would mean the laborious task or retroactively organising photos and notes could be eliminated entirely from the workflow.

Finally, the design would allow the organised information to be quickly exported from the app straight into report format this would also streamline another laborious task.


information architecture

I untangled the organisational structure of the standard dilapidation report being outputted by the engineers. By breaking down the sections of the report into key components I could align the flow with the users key goals. As organisation of the information was the priority, the flows would be structured in a way that by inputting the information the user was simultaneously building the report.


